Confirm email with out Welcome email

Hi! After registration i get Welcome email. How get confirm email?
Immediately, with out Welcome email?



  • There's that code in entrycontroller:

    if (C('Garden.Registration.SendConnectEmail', TRUE)) {
       try {
          $UserModel->SendWelcomeEmail($UserID, '', 'Connect', array('ProviderName' => $this->Form->GetFormValue('ProviderName', $this->Form->GetFormValue('Provider', 'Unknown'))));

    So I would try adding $Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['SendConnectEmail'] = FALSE; to /conf/config.php

  • If that doesn't work: there's the line public function SendWelcomeEmail($UserID, $Password, $RegisterType = 'Add', $AdditionalData = NULL) { in /applications/dashboard/models/class.usermodel.php.
    If you add return; after that line, there will never be any welcome mail at all. But all changes to the core files should be avoided. You'll lose that customizations on every update.

  • Line number 1075


                   try {
                       $this->UserModel->SendWelcomeEmail($AuthUserID, '', 'Register');
                   catch (Exception $Ex) {

    After changes

               if (C('Garden.Registration.SendConnectEmail', TRUE)) {
                   try {
                       $this->UserModel->SendWelcomeEmail($AuthUserID, '', 'Register');
                   catch (Exception $Ex) {
               else {
                   try {
                   catch (Exception $Ex) {
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