FAO: Mark RE: Saved Searches

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey, apologies for aiming this directly at you, as I'm sure you've far better things to concentrate on, but looking at the Vanilla tour I've noticed there are saved searches for...
- Recent Visitors
- Topic Namewhore (person who created the most topics?)
- Command Namewhore (person who created the most comments?)

Now, I could be wrong, but I assume these are special search commands that'll display something different to what the actual search string is, I don't know how to explain it, but hopefully you'll get where I'm coming from, cheers.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You need to have saved searches enabled.

    Run a search of any kind and then a "save search" form appears on the top-right of your search results. You enter a name for your search and click save. Then your saved searches appear on the left.

    For the record:

    "Recent Visitors" is a saved search I created that just returns all users sorted by the most "date last visited" in descending order.
    "Topic Namewhore" is a topic search for my name.
    "Comment Namewhore" is a comment search for my name.
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Ahh I get you, thanks, I've got saved searches activated and have no problems with them (nice extension btw!) I just wasn't sure if there were some fancy commands you could type into the searchbox that'd bring up stuff like a descending list of the highest posters :-)
  • i saved a search a while back, and noticed that after a short time (a week or so), i no longer have a saved search. is there any particular reason for this that you can think of?

    of course, i haven't clicked "remove" ;) ...

    thanks guys!
  • You know, my saved search is missing also...

    And creating new ones don't appear either. hmm...
  • it happens all the time for me these days. it does get added, and shows in the sidebar for a while, then disappears.
  • Hmm.... I figured out where mine disappeared to, but your issue sounds different. I had to go to the account preferences, and check the box to show the saved searches. (Kind of un-intuitive to hide them while on the search page, yet show the box to save them...

    Do you have a surfing accelerator program that pre-fetches links for you? That could be the guilty party.
  • i use fasterfox, 'turbo' mode (lol) but prefetching is not enabled, so i'm not sure it would make a difference?
  • happened again, bugger.
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