Hi, Im Chizbang!

ChizbangChizbang New
edited February 2014 in General Banter

Hi everyone!
I just thought id take the effort to introduce myself since everyone else has been so accommodating.

Im a 16 year old British learning developer (self taught) whom is home educated. I have been programming since the age of 8, starting with Visual Basic and then moving onto Objective C, PHP, HTML/CSS at the age of 13 and then when I turned 15 I started learning other languages such as JS, LUA, Java and C#. I am most "fluent" in PHP, LUA, OBJ C and LUA out of all of the above but I do need to learn a lot more before I can call my self skilled.

I really really want to setup my own business out of my skills by making some sort of web venture of some sort or maybe even some game company. (I did make a really basic game for the iPhone a while back and enjoyed it, might be something to look into!)
I will stop at nothing to make my own successful company, it has been my dream since I started programming. Its my total passion and there is not a day that goes by when I dont code.

As an attempt to get used to the kind of things id need to do if I ran my own company, I have setup a Garrys Mod gaming community. I run the website on a VPS I own, along with another VPS in the states which I have running for another game server I have planned. All that just keeps me on top of server management skills which id need.

I have come here to learn more about better discussion board platforms as when I start freelancing (to support me while setting up a business of some sort) this is something I may use if it comes under the needs of said client. Why is this a better platform? Less crap that the client wouldnt need. Vanilla Forums is pretty flexible from what I can make out and its up to date, very current and stable which is what id be looking for.

Anyways, thats me! Im really excited to do more development for Vanilla Forums! :D


  • Welcome @Chizbang! Always great to see new blood excited getting involved in the development of the Vanilla Forums project.

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