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Older Versions?

edited 2006 06 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Folks, I was thinking yesterday (I know thats quite a big thing for me!) and was wondering are there any screenshots of older versions of Vanilla? I think it would be really interesting to see how its 'evolved' Look forward you your replys!


  • Not much you can see from screenshots; mostly it was building a robust data framework, cleaning up code, revising HTML markup, removing functionality from the core, and other boring code-level changes.

    Somewhere floating around here I know there's a very old screenshot of Vanilla, but it basically looks the same as it does now, with a few things rearranged or modified. If you were just to look at that, you'd likely conclude that the recent upgrade was a minor stylesheet change rather than the complete back-end overhaul it was.

    Still, if anyone has that screenshot, feel free to post it.
  • Yeah thanks for the info, look forward to any screenshots.
  • oh my God :)
  • Hahahahaha, that is superb :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • Hmmm, I actually still have some of the very early pre-version numbered releases laying around here and in my inbox somewhere from 04/05 when vanilla was just a handful of users. But I don't have php4 running on any of my servers to load it on. But I can safely say that the way Vanilla looks hasn't drasticly changed durring many of the public releases we're all familiar with. I do still remember when it was mostly blue :)
  • here are some screenshots i took from one of the first versions of vanilla.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Wow. I had forgotten about the tabs not being in the middle and the centered / fixed width inputs.

    that categorize form always makes me feel warm inside, too...
  • haha yeah, i miss it too.
  • ahh yes, those were the days!
  • >> that categorize form always makes me feel warm inside, too... I have heard lech talk about it too. What was it, what did it do and can we have it back?
  • damn you lech! I was supposed to get in BEFORE you.
  • lechlech
    edited 2006 05
    Moo Ha Ha! nathan, the "catagorize discussion" was a bit funny. Still cool but overall generally useless as there wasn't a way (which I remember) to filter discussions based on ratings. I don't think it was even released in any of the pre-releases I have, it simply served as a way to rate the discussion going on with a predefined scale. Ie: from 1 to awesomely useful. So when you entered a discussion, you would see how "people found this discussion n% useful while everyone else found it %n stupid." at least something to that effect, then once beta-testing pre-releases were dispatched, it was removed and forgotten.
  • I don't care too much about the filtering, but that sounds really awesome. I WANT IT BACK!
  • i was a fan, haha.
  • Thanks folks, some really cool stuff! I like the first one! So I can see that not all that much has changed really.
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