Jazzman Style 1.0

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
As a thanks for the Vanilla 1 release, I've uploaded my Jazzmanstyle to the Vanilla Add-on repository. I'm still working on the people.css to match with the theme.

Download here: http://lussumo.com/addons/index.php?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=82


  • Nice sticky icon!
  • I'm not a huge fan of the rounded blue part, but the rest is very nice and clean. Nice job actually pulling off a green and pink accented design, a lot of people struggle with that :)
  • Thanks!
  • Nice!
  • Thank you!
  • very cool!
  • Mmm. Very nice, Jazzman. Just one thing: when I mark something as sink, the little icon seems to get placed in the wrong place. When you make something sticky it's: icon [Sticky] Discussion title but with sink, I get: [Sink] icon Discussion title
  • Nice one. This is brilliant, with all of these styles coming out!

    @Jazzman: someone was asking about your WoW style too.
  • i wanna add a banner up top, could you tell me what file n code to edit? can't seem to find it
  • This is awesome! Using it for my Playstation site. I may edit the links and tabs so that they are blue and not green, hope that is okay. Thanks again, a lovely 'style' :)
  • Very nice style Jazzman! I am also wondering about your WoW style, are you planning to release that as well?
  • very very well done. im sooo using this :).
  • About my earlier comment on the misplacing of the icon for sinked discussions. It happens with Opera 9, and Firefox 1.5.x. It doesn't happen with IE6 (those are the three browsers I've tested with). Also, I should point out that the icons for the other labels (sticky, closed) work just fine in all browsers.
  • The left side is kinda StarTrekky
  • This is my favourite plug'n'play style for the vanilla theme that I've found so far, but I came across a little annoyance with the formatting of <code> or [code] (depending on your formatter). Long lines weren't wrapping and I wanted them to. I realise it's personal preference, but if anyone else shares my personal preference for wrapping of text lines, you'll need to change the following in themes\vanilla\styles\jazzman-2006-07-05\vanilla.css

    Line 558:
    white-space: pre;
    /* white-space: pre; */
    Or you could just remove it, but this way you can toggle it on and off easily ;)
  • StashStash
    edited December 2006
    Instead of editing your style files, if you're a Firefox (or other Mozilla user) or Opera user, you can just install the Stylish extension and grab this lussumo.com, "Fixes". Instructions for using with Opera are on the userstyles.org site.

    This will make it work for this community :)
  • edited December 2006
    This is an excellent style!!

    I've noticed on this forum the Jazzman style has the "Sign in as" displayed on the top right hand corner, but when I applied the style the "Sign in as" over lapped the "Avanced Search" link.


    In the Jazzman styles folder open vanilla.css and change line 74, I have it as the following:
    72 #Session { 73 position:absolute; 74 top:20px; 75 right:20px; 76 text-align:right; 78 font-size:12px; 79 color:#5d709f; 80 }
  • edited April 2008
    Hi, This is a wonderful theme. I am using this style on my website. Can any one please let me know, how to add an Header Image and remove the description completely in header.
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