Jazzman Style 1.0
As a thanks for the Vanilla 1 release, I've uploaded my Jazzmanstyle to the Vanilla Add-on repository. I'm still working on the people.css to match with the theme.

Download here: http://lussumo.com/addons/index.php?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=82

Download here: http://lussumo.com/addons/index.php?PostBackAction=AddOn&AddOnID=82
This discussion has been closed.
@Jazzman: someone was asking about your WoW style too.
Line 558:
white-space: pre;
/* white-space: pre; */
Or you could just remove it, but this way you can toggle it on and off easily
This will make it work for this community
I've noticed on this forum the Jazzman style has the "Sign in as" displayed on the top right hand corner, but when I applied the style the "Sign in as" over lapped the "Avanced Search" link.
In the Jazzman styles folder open vanilla.css and change line 74, I have it as the following:
72 #Session { 73 position:absolute; 74 top:20px; 75 right:20px; 76 text-align:right; 78 font-size:12px; 79 color:#5d709f; 80 }