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Email notification to admin when new user registers

basjbasj New
edited March 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

On my forum, I chose the option :

Approval : New users are reviewed and approved by an administrator (that's you!).

Then, how can I (=admin) receive an email each time a new user wants to register (and needs my approval) ?

Is there an easy/simple solution nowadays in 2014 ?

(I see some hardcoded solutions here but I imagine they might be obsolete)


  • Thank you very much! Very interesting addon (will it be merged to vanilla-core for future versions?)

  • R_JR_J Admin

    In the discussion you've linked to, you find that statement:

    @Lincoln said:
    Yeah, definitely doesn't send emails for new applicants. I have no idea if that feature is planned right now.

    If Lincoln doesn't know... ;)

    I've taken a quick look at the latest source on GitHub (2.2.x) and it doesn't seem to be included yet. Right now, the current version is 2.0.x, version 2.1.x is still in beta and 2.2.x, the alpha version, doesn't have that feature included. I guess you better do not wait to find that feature in the core ;)

  • Oh yes, I won't wait for having it in the core ;) I have now installed it and it's great !

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