Pockets and Basicpages are good enough

Now that I start looking at different avenue of using Vanilla instead of trying to embed or integrate into other CMS and I start to find out that with Pockets and BasicPages it is really good enough to have a site that provide basic static page with banner or ads spreading around the site.

SSO or embed is rather a hit a miss effort and it is very time consuming too!

Especially with embed, it might be working at first but when you looking deeper it is not as great as it should be, think about the different of the structure of the URL and the redirect, etc.

I tried with embed and it works to some extend but it is like try to fit a square into a circle.

With SSO it is headache with sync up the user and role and when the upgrade come it could be a nightmare!


  • I think the reason people are drawn to embed is because it seems like it is easy and quick. It may be so if it is a lightweight embed but there are things which come up that one has to fix almost on a constant basis.

    They do not realize they can clone the looks of their site and make vanilla look like another page from their site. But most people with serious forums eventually realize this and discontinue embedding in favor of a stand alone.

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