Mobile WP comments missing federated sigin buttons

Hi guys,

Just wanted to voice my appreciation again for your hard work on Vanilla - am about to upgrade from RC3 to 2.1 on my site and it's been doing a great job since it went into RC testing.

Quick bit of feedback - we're using Vanilla embedded on a WordPress site* and it's working pretty well at the moment. There's one minor thing you might want to look at in the future: when the site is viewed on a mobile browser, the forum adjusts to the mobile theme perfectly, but in mobile view the Facebook & Twitter signin buttons move away from the login dialogue. That's fine on the forum page, but on the editorial comments section it means the only way to post a comment is with username and password.

As more than 50% of our traffic is from mobile now (something that's representative of a lot of sites) making it easy for those guys to sign is really important.

I can fix this for our site (I think), but thought it would be useful to flag up for future development.

*I know most people here hate embedding, but for me the selling point of Vanilla is its ability to replace WordPress comments and build a forum at the same time. So that's what we're doing.

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