I don't know how to uninstall this plugin?*
Do not install it... It bug all my forum now all threads look like this... http://forum.galaxyhostfree.com/index.php?p=/discussion/61/fort-carson-airport-trucking-map#latest
Do not install it... It bug all my forum now all threads look like this... http://forum.galaxyhostfree.com/index.php?p=/discussion/61/fort-carson-airport-trucking-map#latest
How to diable this plugin when i press in plugins nothing happens...
sorry Fixed sorry for spam I just remove that folder from plugins
Look in /conf/config.php. You could see a line like
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Wysihtml5'] = TRUE;
Just delete that line. It would be a help for others if you specify your Vanilla version, your theme and maybe a list of enabled plugins. That way the plugin author could take a look what happened to you and maybe fix the plugin
I haven't had any issues running Wysithml5 on a fresh install of 2.1-stable. Seems like a few other people—yourself included, @mlody1039—have though. If you could take off your pessimism-hat for a minute and weigh in on the discussion over on GitHub (https://github.com/kasperisager/vanilla-wysihtml5/issues/6) that'd be great!
Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub
You should rename plugin folder to Wysihtml5 or other name according to $PluginInfo['Wysihtml5'] in class.wysihtml5.plugin.php
it's a vanilla bug it's installing to $config by $PluginInfo['Wysihtml5'] and trying to uninstall by folder name I guess. And it's case sensitive.