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How to protect my board ?

Hi everybody ! Hope you're fine.

I need to create a private community.... very private community. I want people to use a code during registration. The default invitation doesn't match my needs : I can't send a mail to each new member manually...

Do you know how I could ask for a registration code? I've tried an anti-bot plugin which ask 2 questions (and I replaced the question with "what's the secret code ?" and the answers were my code) but it forces me to use the CAPTCHA REGISTRATION MODE, however I want to use the "basic" mode. Moreover, this plugin adds some shi**y fields on the registration form...

Last thing I tried : setup my .htaccess with a .htpasswd and protect ONLY the registration page... but I didn't succeed :( I don't know how to match the registration page on the .htaccess because of URL rewriting. In this case, I think .htaccess needs the real relative path of the file to protect, not the web URL.

Thanks guys, I'm sure you will have a great solution !
@+ Stéphane

Best Answer


  • @peregrine I'm also interested in your plugin.

    ..if it's not "shi**y", of course >:)

  • @‌ stephanepandore

    Well, if only you new as much as the shi**y fields plugin provider you could

    a) solve your own problem, rather than ask for help

    b) work out how to remove the parts you didn't want.

    Seriously, slagging off things other people make freely available?

    Not the way to go, imo.

  • edited June 2014

    Ahah ! I'm sorry for being rude but I was a bit upset with your plugin, @peregrine (and it was 1am, why the f*ck do I try this kind of things @ 1pm ?!).

    Being myself a developer, I admire people who are working for free as it (moreover, I come from IPB community.... each small plugin costs $100 :D). It takes time and energy so thx for that, but I don't understand :

    • Why do you force users to use the captcha mode with your plugin ?
    • Why do you add a "why do you want to subscribe on this board"-field on the subscription page when the plugin is enabled ?
    • Why do you force users to add 2 ANTI-SPAM QUESTIONS and not only one... even if the second one is empty on the backoffice ?

    Again, I would not dare complain about a free plugin. But I really wondered "why", when I used it yesterday.


    About your MP : it rocks ! Thanks^1000.

  • @whu606 said:
    @‌ stephanepandore

    Well, if only you new as much as the shi**y fields plugin provider you could

    a) solve your own problem, rather than ask for help

    b) work out how to remove the parts you didn't want.

    Seriously, slagging off things other people make freely available?

    Not the way to go, imo.

    I posted my reply before seeing your message.

    I never spit on something free. But from a UX point of view, I really do not UNDERSTAND the choice of the developer. My words were poorly chosen, sorry for that.

  • @‌ stephanepandore

    Sure, there's nothing wrong with asking why something is the way it is, and how it could be changed.

    As you say, the choice of words, and the tone, were the issue.

    Knowing just how much @peregrine gives to the Vanilla community, I guess I felt a bit 'protective'.

    The number of times he (and other very generous contributors) get given a thanks, never mind a donation, is pitiful, imo.

  • edited June 2014

    @stephanepandore said:
    Being myself a developer, I admire people who are working for free as it (moreover, I come from IPB community.... each small plugin costs $100 :D).

    Quite cheap, it would pay for less than two hours of work, at local rates.

  • edited June 2014

    Super-@peregrine is doing me a great plugin which matches my needs. This thread is solved! Have a nice day everybody.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    thanks everyone, for watching my back. and I wrote the customized plugin for @stephanepandore
    and he has sent me a donation. and will provide a customized version to match their needs to anyone for a agreed upon donation.

    apologies accepted. no feelings hurt. appreciate all you guys. especially the ones who donate, say thank you, and help me when i have issues, and also the ones who watch my back :).

    so all worked out well in the end.

    Sending a donation is always nice thing to if you are using a number of someone's plugins, or if you know they spent extensive time on the forum helping you solve a problem, or customizing a solution for you.
    Some developers may decide to refuse a donation, and some will gladly accept. It may even entice developers to come back more often and help you again with future issues or write more custom add-ons or community add-ons.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    I just wrote a plugin- some people may like different from the customized version for @‌stephanepandore

    @r0obert said:
    peregrine I'm also interested in your plugin.

    download it and send a donation if you can :)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited June 2014

    @vrijvlinder said:
    peregrine I donate this icon !!


    I accept :) thank you V.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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