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Restoring moderated user


i host a forum based on vanilla and i accidentally moderated a user and got is account and content deleted.
When a user creates an account, someone with the admin role must validate the user but the user can start posting before the validation occurs. Some time ago, i accidentally denied a user subscription and his account and related content disappeared from the forum. It is now established that this account was legit and i would like to restore the user account and associated content. Can it be done through the forum interface or will i have to manipulate the SQL data-base ?

Thanks for your help .



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    whu606whu606 I'm not a SuperHero; I just like wearing tights... MVP


    Welcome to the community.

    AfaIk, there is no Vanilla option to restore users/content. You would need to do it via SQL.

    To get the comments back, I think you would need to go to a backup of your database.

    Personally, I'd set up a local test version of Vanilla, and then associate the backup db with that.

    Then you could simply export the relevant comments and import them into your live db.

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