Additional locale

How to add another language. I want to make russian translation.
Thank you!


  • MVP
    edited July 2014

    you probably just need to add a folder under locale in the plugin called ru-RU.php

    with this inside it

     <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    $Definition['MaintenanceNotice'] = " Site in Maintenance Mode.   Говорите, пожалуйста, медленнее  <br />You will return later";

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thank you.

  • MVP
    edited July 2014


    Я плохо говорю по-русски :wink:

    a tongue-twister

    Говорит попугай попугаю: "Я тебя, попугай, попугаю!"
    Попугаю в ответ попугай: "Попугай, попугай, попугай!"

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine said:
    you probably just need to add a folder under locale in the plugin called ru-RU.php

    Exactly, thanks for answering it.
    You can also view the according files and folders as an example on the Github Repo for the Maintenance Mode Plugin here.

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