Vanilla 2.1 Stable - User Passwords Don't Work*



  • edited July 2014

    It's a know bug, I will fix it quickly.

    Bug fixed, but I'm actively working on the plugin and other issues may arise if one gets it in the wrong moment. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • @peregrine: Yes - but it sounds like I caught the code in flux. I'll wait till @businessdad gives the green light, then I'll pull the bits again.

  • @FerrariSteve‌ Done already. There will be more updates in the next day, that plugin is a cornerstone of 95% our projects. :)

  • edited September 2014


    It's me again, ready to torment your minds with another crazy problem!! :p

    I was having the same problem @FerrariSteve had; I disabled AFC and solved. Great!

    Then I went to @businessadd‌ bitbucket and download the last version ( but..

    I checked my old AFC and there it was, a beatifull directory called vendor with the autoload.php inside. Too tempting not to try >:)

    So... no, there's not a happy end :'(

    @FerrariSteve‌, do you finally make it work?

    1.JPG 129.3K
    2.jpg 119.5K
  • edited September 2014

    The Git repository is not for the end user. If you want to take the plugin from there, just copying the files won't work. You would also have to run Composer in the folder to generate the autoloader.

    I uploaded the latest version to the Addons section, for convenience (it's a continuous "work in progress", therefore some issues may still exist).

    By the way:

    @DarkShared said:
    Then I went to @businessadd‌ bitbucket and download the last version (

    Who is that guy? :smiley:

  • @businessdad said:

    @DarkShared said: Then I went to @businessadd‌ bitbucket and download the last version (

    By the way:

    Who is that guy? :smiley:

    In the same way there are different geneitic codons

    GAA Glutamic acid
    AGA Arginine (Arg)

    I figure @businessadd‌ is a genetic codon of @businessdad

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Uppss... thanks @peregrine‌

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