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SIRNOT! Html Divs causing problems in posts
ok, i was just wondering what is stopping someone writing a div that will blank out the whole screen with white on every posts?
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view here dont worry its not disgusting as it is a clan forum and all and i wouldnt want to look at it either
Would stripping out the style property on tags be easy to do?
Edit: I just thought of links, which use attributes, and would be quite useless without them.
function RemoveEvilAttribs($String) { $P = array( "/(\s+?)(href|src|background|url|dynsrc|lowsrc)\s*=(\W*)(.+?):([^\\3]+?)/ei", "/(\s+?)on([\w]+)\s*=(.+?)/i", "/style\s*=(\W*)(.+)\\1/si" ); $R = array( '$this->RemoveQuoteSlashes(\'\\1\\2=\\3\').(in_array(strtolower(\'\\4\'), $this->AllowedProtocols) ? \'\\4:\' : $this->DefaultProtocol).$this->RemoveQuoteSlashes(\'\\5\')', '\\1On\\2=\\3', '' ); $sReturn = preg_replace($P, $R, $String); return $sReturn; }
(I also notice that the fix hasn't been applied here, so if the implications aren't obvious then I'll happily demonstrate!)