Using VanillaStats with the DeferJs option

BleistivtBleistivt Moderator
edited August 2014 in Feedback

Continuing my other thread...

So this is more of an issue with vanillastats as it inserts javascript into the page body:

What I did is this:

if (
    && ($Sender->SelfUrl == 'dashboard/settings' || $Sender->SelfUrl == 'settings')
    && C('EnabledPlugins.VanillaStats')
) {
    SaveToConfig('Plugins.Consolidate.DeferJs', false, array('Save' => false));

so js will not be deferred to the bottom on the dashboard main page.
This can be put into Base_Render_Before, for example.

By the way, this plugin is great. Garden.CombineAssets never really worked on my setup, but this does.


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