Issues with flag and announce functions

I'm very new to vanilla and so far I like what I have seen but I have a couple of strange issues. I have a virtually brand new install of vanilla 2.1.1 on my server and I have a few issues with some of the more important functions of the software. I can't delete or flag a comment or discussion nor can I set a discussion to be an announcement. If I try to do any of those things it simply says "Whoops! There was an error." I think I have also seen it say "DiscussionController->Discussion not found." I'm signed in as an admin but I know they don't work as a moderator either, same issue. I want anyone with an account to be able to flag a discussion for review and I want at least admins to be able to delete anything but I know users can't delete their own comments and such like I think they should. Any ideas?
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Alright with your suggested troubleshooting I have an error message not quite a solution yet. It's not the theme, i have cleared the cache and all of that good stuff and no change. I turned on the debug mode in the configuration file (had to manually add the debug entry for the record) I got this:
"DiscussionController->Discussion not found."
did you disable your plugins one by one as the troubleshooting instructions said:
particularly SEOCompanion
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
if the problem goes away after you disable seo companion plugin.
then try this.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yea i disable it and the issues goes away immediately
unfortunately the fix that you sent me didn't fix the issues i'm having with it enabled, it did fix the php errors on the top of the page but the issues with discussions and comments and everything come right back with it enabled
something else is that at the bottom of the page is says "Need to re-index theme cache" and "Need to re-index plugin cache" what does that mean?
You are very welcomE
glad I could help you solve flagging and announcement issue and what caused it.
don't use the plugin the plugin that gives you problems. or start a new discussion - go to plugin, choose ask question.
it always appears with debug on - nothing to be concerned about - nothing to be fixed.
searching for phrases helps as well
also post info here:
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
always a good idea to add to this and to read this.
by adding your plugins that work and don't work to the discussion - you help the community.
by just reading it passively, without adding to it - you help yourself
feel free to duplicate answers - the more answers the better the consensus.
then look around at the numerous 2.1 posts on the forum from all users, and see who uses 2.1 and who posted in that discussion( )
to attempt to help others, then scratch your head, and say to yourself, why did so few people add to the discussion, when there are so many people using 2.1. and all it requires a comment added to that thread.
I asked myself - I'm still stumped. Could be, the majority of forum questioners don't have 5 minutes to help the community.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Alright well thank for all of your help, I really want that plugin so I will be making a new discussion in the plugin page