[RESOLVED] Problem with Tapatalk, a discussion hasn't any comment.

Last week we had a problem with Tapatalk and Vanilla.
At first, we have Vanilla built in Wordpress multisite.
When we create a new post, in Wordpress, vanilla creates a new discussion too. When an user tries to get into a discussion without comments, an error ocurred.
You can resolve this problem with if...else condition in MbqRdEtForumPost.php. We add the next code:
if($oExttMbqDiscussionController->Discussion->CountComments > 1){ $oMbqDataPage = $this->getObjsMbqEtForumPost($objsStdForumPost, $mbqOpt); $oMbqDataPage->datas = array_merge(array($oMbqEtForumTopic->oDummyFirstMbqEtForumPost), $oMbqDataPage->datas); } else { $oMbqDataPage->datas = array_merge(array($oMbqEtForumTopic->oDummyFirstMbqEtForumPost), $oMbqDataPage->datas); }
I wish the code be useful.
Tapatalk haven't any disscussion for me, but it was correctly configured. I'm using V2.1.1