Looking for someone to tweak the medium editor plugin to better fit my needs (paid)

Hey there,
I'm currently using @Kasper's medium editor plugin, and I really like the way it works. I've been able to make it look like I want it too, but there are still some issues in its functionality, and fixing them would require technical knowledge far beyond my own.
Notably, I'd like it to stop inserting spans everywhere (it messes with the text's font-size, background, etc. and I have to use !important CSS styles to override this), and I'd also like the image insertion to work like links do (paste a link and it gets inserted, instead of just adding img tags around the selection). I also need a button to insert spoiler tags.
I also think it doesn't work at all on mobile — at least it doesn't on WP7 — but fixing that isn't a priority.
If anyone is willing to help me with this, please PM me so we can work out a price.
I hope this is the correct section for this thread, my apologies if it isn't...
Anyone? The plugin also doesn't work in Opera, seems like...