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outsourcing user database/tables

edited November 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there, I already have a running webapp, and I would like to add vanilla as my board. Do you think it's possible to extend the user classes and use my database? So users wouldn't have to re-register for the forums and could log in with the same credentials? I'd also like to get rid off the /account/ pages. Thanks for any advice, Till


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    Certainly is possible. I'd suggest you take a look at 'People' which is lussumos user authentication module. You could either use that to authenticate the rest of the site, or cut it out and use your site to authenticate vanilla. Depending how much you have already and how confidant you are with php among other factors you'd need to decide which method is best - in any case if you check out the library/people folder (and the docs if they've been updated) you should start to get some ideas :)
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    Thanks for the response. Looking into it - it actually does look fairly easy to make vanilla use another "base" for the authorization.

    Can you give me a pointer about how to "disable" the account pages and so on? Is that a feature, or could I just move achieve that by moving "/account" away from the forum?
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    Disable the account pages for what reason? I assume just removing account.php would do it but i suggest you have some pretty good alternatives in there first.
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    Well, basically. I want the user to authorize against my database. That step is done.
    Also, I don't want them to add a seperate profile also. I'd just link to my own.
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    hmm. I think if you work out what account php references and then rebuild that class in the people libraries to refer to your profile it should do the trick. Sorry if that's not very well explained.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It all depends on how you do the integration, but it might be easier to keep the account page there and then redirect to your own account page when someone clicks on the user's link in a discussion.
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    I also have the same questions. But I'm wondering how to keep all the registration stuff/etc but be able to bridge the user info over to the other cms (php-fusion cms). help is appreciated.
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