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Addons + Forum = slow vanilla?

Hello guys, could it be that the forum starts to slowin down with a good bunch of activated addons ? i have actually 3 forums on the same server, the one is a phpbb the other one is a up to 70%custom & 30%IPB - BB, and they r fully packed with things (realtime ajax messenger and such and further + around and minimum 25 modifications and custom modules each) but both forums are around 10-15% faster. is there a way to solve this issue ? cheers


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited 2006 11
    It all depends on what extensions you have installed. Plain Vanilla is fast. Some extensions might not be so fast. It all depends on what they are, what they do, how much they connect to the database, etc.
  • I've noticed this today too... the forum was taking 10-20 seconds to load. I disabled a few extensions, and it's loaded good since.
  • I've noticed on mine, its because its loading a large CSS file (which I optimized) and around 10 javascripts. *rolls eyes*
    Its because every single extension that uses javascript uses a different framework. Its rather annoying.

    Perhaps there should only be one framework that everyone should use for extensions - like jQuery or moo.fx. But then again - I don't really know anything about javascript or the way Vanilla extensions work.
  • A main problem e.g. with CSS is that there are by nature many styles overwriting one another, that my be a problem with JavaScript as well I assume.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Honestly the biggest drain on server resources will always be database queries. 100 javascript files will still be faster than 10 extra queries. So, if you have a few extensions that are slowing things down - let us know on here. I'm sure I can take a look at them and find ways to speed them up.
  • A main problem e.g. with CSS is that there are by nature many styles overwriting one another, that my be a problem with JavaScript as well I assume.
    Most of the extension stylesheets i've seen are very specific in what they modify, and usually don't touch things covered by other styles.
  • Also, depending on the nature of the extensions you're using in question combined with a large user base could also be sapping speed. Ie: Using a ton of ajax(js) which is constantly querying the database while say 100 users are currently at your forum could be an indicator. Select your extensions wisely when dealing with a huge user-base.
  • what about the RSS feed extensions? Are they big hogs like the DB extensions or do they only effect the speed of the profile pages they are on?
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