QnA menu not showing up, want to add extra Ask a Question button on menu

edited October 2014 in General Banter

Vanilla 2.1.3

QnA menu not showing up, want to add extra Ask a Question button on menu.

QnA is workin fine when you go straight to /post/question

So my question here is: **Anybody knows how to add this to my menu in the ozone theme?*



  • well is the theme tpl or php ?

    depending on what it is you can add links to the menu hardcoding the links into those files.

    Or use the plugin add menu item by peregrine to add the links to the menu.

  • SchryversSchryvers
    edited October 2014

    I emailed @jspautsch for this one... hope he could support me on this.

    The theme is tpl based i think. The only TPL in the theme map is default.master.tpl

    but that TPL doesn't contain menu items....

  • edited October 2014

    Ok then use the plugin peregrine made


    You can add a link in the tpl just using html

    the menu items are there but they have been smartified


    {profile_link} etc.

    Just add the link you want in html in the menu section somewhere in between those or after those but before the </ul>

    <li><a href="your link" ></a> </li>

  • Thanks @vrijvlinder but that seems not to be exactly what i need, this tpl from ozone is quite different to other tpl files, next code contains everything in the tpl:

    <body id="{$BodyID}" class="{$BodyClass}"> <div class="BreadcrumbsFrame"> <div class="BreadcrumbsBody"> <div class="BreadcrumbsRow"> <div class="BreadcrumbsWrapper"> {breadcrumbs} {link path="signinout"} {module name="MeModule"} </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Frame"> <div class="Head" id="Head"> <div class="Row"> <strong class="SiteTitle"><a href="{link path="/"}">{logo}</a></strong> </div> </div> <div id="Body"> <div class="Row"> <div class="Column PanelColumn collapsed" id="Panel"> <a href="#Panel" class="collapse"><span>&times;</span></a> <div class="SiteSearch">{searchbox}</div> {asset name="Panel"} </div> <div class="Column ContentColumn" id="Content"> <noscript><div class="DismissMessage WarningMessage"><b>This site works best with JavaScript enabled.</b> Some features will be unavailable.</div></noscript> {asset name="Content"} </div> </div> </div> <div id="Foot"> <div class="Row"> {asset name="Foot"} </div> </div> </div>

    And this is how i want it to be:

    I hope maybe @jspautsch can figure this out, ozone is very hard to edit in my opinion maybe because im new to it ..

    3.PNG 20.5K
    33.PNG 21.4K
  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited October 2014

    you have to experiment your self moving things around, adding the right css, etc.

    try adding it below the memodule.

    <ul class="SiteMenu">
                    <li><a href="http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/28178/qna-menu-not-showing-up-want-to-add-extra-ask-a-question-button-on-menu" >your info</a> </li>

    its pretty much impossible for us to help much on premium themes. unless you want to buy us a copy to experiment with :)

    I thought jspautsch has a message board on theme forest or something. he certainly has e-mail

    however there is a limit to what a premium theme maker can be expected to do, as there are lots of plugins to deal with.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I know that, thats why i emailed him maybe he could help me out on this one for a donation.

    gonna try that thanks.

  • Yea that tpl is missing some parts but you can add them just like peregrine suggests.

  • How do i delete the original New Discussion Bigbutton, if i delete the standard one i can make it possible to add them both to the tpl.

  • the new discussion button is added via theme hooks that file is in php and that is where you can add the code to unset the new discussion module.

    Look inside your theme hooks file for the NewDiscussion module. You can post the contents of the themehooks here to help you better

  • edited October 2014

    You will possibly see this

    $Sender->Menu->AddLink('NewDiscussion', T('New Discussion'),array('title' => T('Start New Discussion'))), 'post/discussion',  array('class' => 'Button'));      

    To remove the link

    $Sender->Menu->RemoveLink('NewDiscussion', T('New Discussion'),array('title' => T('Start New Discussion'))), 'post/discussion',  array('class' => 'Button'));   
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