
Hi, i've just installed a vanilla vanilla2 env on a pretty hot platform (8 core/32gb/bare metal) and added the bootstrap theme because my site uses bootstrap.

I shot straight over to gtmatrix to get a baseline before I look into optimizing vanilla coz to me its pretty much a big overkill most of the tut loading up.

My bootstrap 3 site speed grade is A (99%) and the Yslow is A 98%.

The base install of Vanilla2 however comes in as F (49%) and YSLOW is at C(74%).

Looking on the forums it seems like you advise that we write a plugin to fix stuff like cdn delivery/optimization etc.

However i'm convinced that If I modify the core to fix the underlying speed problems then I can maintain a good level of control over a)what gets called for and b)how it gets called.

Before I start hacking about can someone recommend a plugin that has in fact optimized the delivery of static data? (i did do a search and found something from 3 years ago so I suppose thats out of date now).

any advise would be good thanks.



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