How to embed the code to change the notorious "Welcome Message"?

People here keep saying just search in the forum. But I have not got any "step-by-step" help from anybody on changing the welcome message "Howdy, Stranger"!

I got this link :

The problem is, nobody explain where to embed the code, as if everybody in the world born to know this stuff!

Can anybody please help me, I am really desperate to change this.
This is the last thing I have to do in order to launch my forum for the school I work for. I cannot launch this forum before changing the welcome message. Everybody hates the welcome message.

Is there anybody who is kind enough to give a step-by-step guidance on how to do this.
I believed this will help a lot of people who are brand new in using Vanilla.

Pleassssseeeeeee . . . .


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