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[Extension] WeightedWords 1.0



  • Thanks a huge amount for that... Great stuff
  • edited July 2006
    Obvious, glad it worked. folletto, having done a little more research, the concept of the WeightedWords plugin was to regenerate (or reindex) the keywords as the index file was executed.. I spoke with the plugin author and he never had any complaint about lengthy times regenerating the keywords. But, then, maybe there was never a WordPress user who stressed tested the plugin. I will have to think about re-designing the extension to work better in Vanilla. In the meantime, how do you think it should be changed to better perform on forums with a large number of Comments? How about putting keyword generation soley under the admin's control by adding a button to initiate the regeneration of the keywords? Or how about a timer like RSS seems to do? I'm open to any suggestions.
  • As many products works, the best architectural choice is to refresh the DB when a new comment is submitted: a small amount of parsing will be performed and so the plugin will result quite invisible, since when it's displayed it just takes the "top" hits in the database table (containing the words and their weight).

    You could of course add an Admin side command to Rebuild All, but that shouldn't be the norm. If you could chunk the elaboration on each post and cache it in a DB, it's surely the best choice with the greatest efficiency. :)
  • nice addon, but i'm testing vanilla right now and when i delete a comment, weighted word still count those words ! it's not a big problem, but if a user want to have it's account deleted, all words will still be indexed. How refresh the extension ? if i desactivate and reactivate, the extension don't remember the text already there. Everything is empty. it's not a big problem because i don't think i will delete user or comment but it will be nice to think about that :)
  • That's strange because mysql query is only selecting when the deleted field is zero. When you delete a comment, did you try refreshing your browser?
  • yes :/ That's why i don't understand, i was thinking that, in phpmyadmin, maybe there were a keywords value (no). Then, i don't know. But maybe it's because im testing too much (extensions, etc. before publishing) Anyway, i don't really want to delete some comments so i don't think it will be a problem. It's just that i like understand why things doesn't work.
  • edited August 2006
    How are you deleting a comment? You must be using the Delete Comments extension. From what I read, it actually removes the comment from the database. So, it shouldn't interfere with my extension (famous last words). In reading the supprt forum, I found that you had problems with it. I assume they were resolved. I'll download the extension and test it. Okay, downloaded and activated it. Seems to work fine. The problem, I think, is a lingering problem with the count you see when you hover over a keyword. It is not accurate. In my test, my comment was deleted and I expected to see one less in the count, but I didn't. The count didn't change. I will keep looking into this. Sorry. So, if the comments are deleted, then they will not be displayed in the list when you click on a keyword. However, the count will be wrong. If a user is deleted, I'll have to check to see what actually happens (whether the record is deleted ot a field is just updated with a stauts).
  • Actually, the remove comment does not work (hum) so im deleting the comment / discussion directly inside the database. But i will test it again "on the road", im just tire of deleting test ;) But for now, everything seems ok (same thing when you go to the dentist : since youre there, everything allright). Maybe i desactivate an extension that solve the bugs... i don't know. Too much vanilla tests theses days ;) i tried almost everything ! hahaha Ive seen the bug for the count too ! It reminds me to translate it ;) but if you found a way to have the good count... let me know. Thank you so much for the help :)
  • The remove comment extension did work for me once I authorized my admin user to delete comments. I did narrow down the word count problem to the php strip_tags() function. In my test forum, I have an Excel formula in my comment. The function stripped the entire comment. So, my count was off, but the search did identify all associated comments, including the one with the formula. There may be other instances when there might be a language-related problem as you indicate. Not sure how to get around the language problem. If there are any php wizards out there who could help me with this, I would appreciate it.
  • I am working on a new version to only refresh when a new comment or discussion is made.
  • Hello,

    how i can limit the number of the Keywords of this extension?

    I want the extension to display maximal 30 Keywors on the sidebar!

    For me it seems that the extension lists all words of the forum ????

    I dont mean this functions ($mincount=15, $minlength=3, $minfont=50, $maxfont=250)
  • I'll take a look at your request. And it does index all the words in the forum. When someone develops a true tagging system, this extension will be outdated.
  • tdkpaulie, when you say you want to display 30 keywords, I assume you mean the 30 most frequently used keywords. Is that correct?
  • I was hoping that someone could help me with a specific problem. I'm trying to build a front page that will have only a couple of elements (image, latest discussions list, and wordcloud), but the problem is that due to the complexity of the vanilla application I can't just pull the functions that the WeightedWords extension uses to query the database and display. I've tried modifying the default index page and pulling out unneeded things like the panel and top menu, expecting that I could then append something like ?PostBackAction=BlogTags to the url and get a page that I could then include on my custom page, but this does not work. I was hoping that someone could help me build a more complete query that I could run from a standard php page that included: "SELECT post_content FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_date < '$now'" and "SELECT * FROM LUM_Comment WHERE Body > ' ' AND CommentID > 1 AND Deleted = '0'" or something similar. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  • edited November 2006
    If you look at my site, is that what you want?
  • Well, no, not exactly. I noticed that you have a category cloud, but the "view all tags" link in the wordcloud area does not work. What I'm looking for is only the wordcloud without anything else on the page. No menu, no panel, no nothin.
  • I've noticed however, that the line: "SELECT post_content FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_date < '$now'" is not consistent with the vanilla db. There is no table column called "post_content" anywhere in the database that I could find. This line was taken directly from WeightedWords/default.php but I'm very confused about how it's working if it's trying to query a non-existent db table.
  • edited November 2006
    You are looking at a commented out line which pertained to the WP plugin. The line below it selects the Vanilla data.

    Look at my site now and click on the View All Tags. I just figured out how to get that to work.
  • k, now I'm unable to use the extension at all (either version).. It breaks my whole forum w/ an error like "Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of x bytes exausted"
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