Thanks All Around

Wishing everyone happy holidays, or the season's greeting of your choice.

I'm sure many of the non-coder members here, like me, operate forums on a volunteer basis in whatever time we can find for it and, feeling ill-equipped to offer help here on the Vanilla support board, tend to remain silent unless we need help. With the exception of a little private coaching from peregrine, I've been able to find a resolution for every single issue by simply searching this community. I just want to say how much I appreciate those of you who so freely and willingly share your expertise and contribute to the ongoing development of Vanilla.



  • @MaryBoren‌

    Thanks for the message.

    The only thing I woudl say (and this goes for all users) is that if something comes up that you do know about, feel free to jump in and say so, even if it is only to point a user to a thread you know about that may solve the issue.

    There are so many repeat questions, despite everyone's best efforts, and the more the merrier in terms of answering them.

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