Looking for an export tool to migrate from Vanilla to SMF or other

Hi everybody,
I've had the Vanilla forum now for about a year and a half and decided this isn't it. It has some (very) good points and some quite bad. I won't discuss either, I just look for a way out, asap.
I'm ready to move to any major "old-school" forum system, except PhpBB. Ok, maybe even PhpBB, but just temporarily. Most likely I'll end up with SMF or MyBB. I know some Vanilla -> SMF tool exists, but it's pretty old and supposedly doesn't work with Vanilla 2.1.
Our forum is version 2.1. and is quite attachments-heavy.
So, does anybody know where to point me for some already available exporter tool or would anyone be brave enough to do the job? I'm also willing to pay some reasonable amount.
Basically I need reversed Porter-to-anything-else.
If you are just looking for a "way out" ....
I would check the other forum site (.e.g. SMF forums that have support like this one, if the support is as good as Vanilla forums, you should have no problem and it will be a walk in the park), they would be the people eager to get you to use their forum software and more likely to have a tool. Anyone on this forum is probably quite happy with the Vanilla software, hence, hasn't written any tools. But you never know.
one thing to keep in mind transitioning from one forum software to another to another to another to another will may have some after effects.
It would be interesting to hear from people who came from SMF and why? since you want to go the other way.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine Thank you. Vanilla has really nice support, but unfortunately that's not enough. I've migrated my forum to Vanilla from PhpBB after 7 years of using it, but haven't sought support one single time.
I guess you're right, I should search elsewere. Your second link is very helpful.
Don't get me wrong, I don't plan to hop from one software to another. The only exception would be PhpBB (in case I could find only converter to it, because it's so common). I'm looking for a forum package to stay for a long time.
In fact, I'm not fixed on SMF, just need a stable package with a decent included feature-set. Any recommendation is welcome.
I guess most people here would recommend Vanilla, so you are kind of on the wrong forum asking that.
Also your question is really vague, what are you looking for?
If you are looking for a more traditional software, my recommendation would actually be phpBB, now that they have released 3.1
It comes with a large feature set and will stay for a long time, that's for sure.
My themes: pure | minusbaseline - My plugins: CSSedit | HTMLedit | InfiniteScroll | BirthdayModule | [all] - PM me about customizations
VanillaSkins.com - Plugins, Themes and Graphics for Vanillaforums OS
Ok, it's not really appropriate place for such advice. Never mind.
I'm just certain I'm not going back to PhpBB. Check their site for explanation.
I have successfully made the migration, which is good.
I just wanted to warn if anybody wants to go the same way, please do not use gConverters service from peregrine's second link.
It seems that it's a one man team, with poor technical knowledge, inflexible and very slow. Stay away.
Bye everybody. Good luck with Vanilla.
What forum software did you migrate to @tom762 and why? Might be helpful to share how you did it so that others can benefit.
It has some (very) good points and some quite bad. I won't discuss either, I just look for a way out, asap.
Would be more useful if you did discuss any good and bad points so that they could be improved.