User Role Not Showing Up in Registration Approval Settings
I'm trying to require new users to be approved before they become members. The screen for that in the settings has a drop down that allows you to choose which user role you want unapproved users to be placed in until they are approved. I created a new role "Pending" for such users, but this role is not showing up in the dropdown list in the Registration settings page... Any ideas why?
normally - they would become applicants in the standard role Applicants scheme of things.
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Hmmm. I'm confused then. When you choose the "Approval" method in the Registrations settings page it automatically includes a drop down to specify the following: "Users will be assigned to this role until they've confirmed their email addresses." When I leave this blank, moreover, it says that is required. But the role I've created for this category, stripped of all powers to contribute to the Forum, is not showing up in the drop down... I'm going to try to edit this directly in the config.php file, but this seems like a bug to me, no?
This is the same bug which prevents one from selecting a default Locale in the dropdown menu in the dashboard.
Solution: Upgrade your server's php to the latest version, and you shold be all set.
Oh interesting @Anonymoose. I'll try that and let you know what happens...
If you don't see anything in the dropdown menu, it is that bug. If you see other roles, it might be something else.
Try this first: go to YOUR FORUM .com/dashboard/role/defaultroles and set up your default roles there.
thanks for re-iterating my link which has a screenshot and link explanation
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
two things.
it is probably better if you use approval registration, not to have confirm e-role set.
since if they confirm by e-mail. they are automatically approved afaik.
if you leave confirm e-mail unchecked with approval registration, then you have ultimate control on who is approved.
if you have this in your config.
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['ApplicantRoleID'] = '4';
all applicants will go to roleid 4 as defined in your role table. which in non-ported vanilla installations
Applicant role is id 4
you can set the default applicant role to what ever you want via config. or via the link provided.
this config setting is NOT to be confused with confirm e-role.
however, if you are using approval, I personally wouldn't mess with confim e-mail role or check it to avoid confirmed e-mail users from automatically becoming members and just decide via approval alone.
confusing yes, but that is how I understand the process. someone can correct me if I am wrong with my interpretation.
generally if you have confirm e-mail role with vanilla non-ported the config is
roleid - unconfirmed.
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['ConfirmEmailRole'] = '3';
Also as far as Confirm Email role - whether you confirm via email is controlled via config statement
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['ConfirmEmail'] = '1'; // True - users are set to confirm by e-mail
$Configuration['Garden']['Registration']['ConfirmEmail'] = FALSE; // True - users are NOT set to confirm by e-mail
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Since the OP was still confused after your explaination, I suspect he couldn't be moosed to follow your link...
Thanks you guys. @Anonymoose, of course I follow @peregrine's links. They are always very on point. And thanks for your help as well. I had already looked at the default roles thing, which I'd remember from before. Why is this key settings not actually accessible click-wise in the settings somewhere? That always seemed strange to me. Or am I mistaken? In any case, I managed to solve the problem somehow through these measure you guys specified. Nonetheless, at last on my install there's something wrong with that drop down. If it is there, it ought to work.
I'm not sure therefore if I should mark this thread answered. It's not really. I think the solution here is insufficient or hacky... What do you guys say?
Not too hacky. Just a bit of moosing around.
I believe it should be on the side menu as well. perhaps it is omitted to protect some people from causing issues, but it makes it hard for others if they don't read the forum and have an issue.
it being :
as far as a role not showing up, can you show a screenshot of where the role does not show up.
do you mean on the registration method screen in the dropdown for confirm e-mail roles.
or do you mean a dropdown to select the default applicant role.
or do you mean your role is not showing up on role/defaultroles
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
yes i have the same if you "Check Basic" put in your "Capticha" then " check " Require users to confirm their email addresses (recommended)" : The drop down only shows, Member, Admin or Moderator. This should also show the role "Confirm Email" if you leave empty error message>Garden.Registration.ConfirmEmailRole is required. I have looked at my confirm email role and it seems to be set up correctly. any ideas?
I have just gone through it again and set a new role "pending" to test it out and you must have allow " signin" box checked, is this correct because if they are allowed to signin it means that you don't have confirm email routine , yes?
@DenisS yes, Garden.SignIn.Allow has to be checked.
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yes as i thought, i have done some test members and it seems to be working ok now. Cheers.