help with editor plugin
please can i get the name of the editor plugin used here?
Best Answer
peregrine MVP
since this question is asked every two weeks. you can see the 100's of answers by clicking on the links in the search above.
I suppose your title really should be
what editor is used on this site?
then you could search on
"what editor is used on this site"
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
since this question is asked every two weeks. you can see the 100's of answers by clicking on the links in the search above.
I suppose your title really should be
what editor is used on this site?
then you could search on
"what editor is used on this site"
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Why don't you just answer the question instead of giving a run around answer? You know, you don't have to answer questions you don't want to answer.
@Anonymoose then modified his reply and said:
but I did! and the person obviously found the answer easy enough.
I want to show the person how to learn to do things. Based on what I did to find the answer!
Giving a person a fishing rod is sometimes better than providing a fish.
why don't you just answer the question anonymoose. If you have a better answer. now. that you have learned how find the answer.
it's a training exercise for specific posters who may not be familar with posting good titles and how to search.
and also gives tips on how to ask a question. and how to write a decent "Title".
it also shows why it is important to post a good clear title in your post.
so when people search for answers, they might use the title as a clue as to which discussion might provide the answer they are looking for.
if the title is poorly written, or ambiguous, it really doesn't help other forum readers! find the answers as easily.
I also like to refer back to the original instead of rewriting the answers and leaving out all the particulars that may be useful to the poster asking the question.
in the same way I try to refer people to tutorials or the faq, instead of rewriting the same thing over again.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Point being - think about your title when you post. Will it help future readers of the forum!
"help with editor plugin" might be better worded with what the person really wants to know.
He doesn't want help with editor plugin, he wants to know
"What editor is used on this forum", presumably because he wants to use the same editor.
maybe this thread might help others, maybe some people will be offended. I hope it helps some people if they don't take umbrage.
also, if you get a chance and realize you misspelled words in your title, correcting tne might be handy, it would also make searching work better.
one title in a recent post is as below and if I search for the word certain. I may not find the discussion.
Disabling Post Count in Cetrain Categories or Discussions
if mods had the time. they could consider correcting as well
Disabling Post Count in Certain Categories or Discussions
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.