New notifications

How can I add back the yellow new post notification flags to a theme? The theme I have bolds the titles of the threads that have new posts but some of my members really like the old yellow new post notice. Some people really hate change ya know.... I tried looking for the code in the old default theme but I didn't see it. I'm using the original bitter sweet. I figured I could just copy and paste a couple of lines but I don't see it any where. Can someone point me in the right place to look or possibly tell me what I need to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Try adding this to the custom.css
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I tried it and I don't see anything different.
Make sure you are logging in as a new user who has not seen the discussions or new comments.
Clear the cache of the browser.
Try another theme.
Make me an account and pm the login info with a link to the site.
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Your problem is the StatsBox Plugin , remove that line from that plugin's css file
also change this too, apparently that plugin overrides some things using css, I would remove that block also from that plugin since it is in your theme and it is not necessary...
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thank you so much!! it's working now. however my alignment isn't as good as yours. Is there something I can tweak to get it nice like yours?
this block is responsible for that adjust the values as you need
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thank you so much again.... I will play with that.