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RSS/Atom To Thread Creation Extension -- Fundraising Campaign Started



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    Sounds good, kswei. As soon as I get a writeup from my developer and get the costs, I'll start a dropcash campaign for everybody to contribute to
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    I'd like to solicit funds for the creation of the script. I've talked to my programmer contact, and got a quote of $1300, which includes all the following features:
    1. Has to be a full dropin extension -- no altering of Vanilla files, etc... And all self-contained in the a folder in the extensions folder. I know a cron job will probably have to be setup as there's really no other way to do it that won't piss off RSS publishers.
    2. Has to support more than one feed.
    3. Has to be able to map fields in the feed to post fields (and customize output in those threads in some sort of interface so the output can work how individual forum managers need it to).
    4. Settings have to be able to be changed via the extensions interface.
    5. Has to support RSS 1.0, 2.0, Atom .3 and Atom 1.0.
    6. Needs to support HTML in feeds, but allow us to strip HTML tags or turn it completely off if needed in the extensions properties window
    7. Allow support for more than one feed and allow a unique userid/password for each feed to be assigned/setup so you can give content publishers that user/pass (if need be) so they can delete entries that accidentally get into their feeds.
    8. Allow you the ability to map different incoming feeds to different categories.
    9. Have an optional approval system setup so that people can manually approve items that come in via an RSS feed.
    10. Have the ability to add tracking code the original source links. So original source links might be something like or whatever.
    11. Code has to be nicely commented.
    12. Would need to release this to the public via the Lussumo Vanilla add-ons and maintain a forum thread for it for bug fixes, etc...

    Like all projects, if the goal isn't met, no money will be taken from pledgers. And if anybody knows somebody who will do all this cheaper (with good clean code) with good references who will maintain it, I'll do it for that (though I have dealt with this programmer many times, he does good work, and he has great references on Just email me at

    But you can contribute to the project here. I'm managing the project, and have a PayPal business account, so I don't have to worry about the $500 limit.
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    so how may hours per $1300 is it? approx.
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    He said it would take him about 3-4 weeks to deliver, so I can imagine it's quite a few, as he knows I want this done right. He said much of that will be on the administrative UI, as he wants to make sure that it's stupidly easy for everybody to use (not just geeks).
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    Bump up, as obviously the donations aren't coming in. Remember that no money is taken unless the goal is met, and I'll happily close this out and start over with a smaller amount if anybody knows somebody who will do this all for cheaper.
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    Got my pledge
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    Thanks a bunch, WallPhone!
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    Seems like an expensive/time consuming job, according the programmer. I may recommend you get another quote. The task isn't very complicated in a whole, the only thing that would take much time is building the extension interface in Vanilla (which shouldn't be overly hard) There is a great *FREE* RSS/Atom feed reader out there, I believe called Magpie RSS. All you would have to do is make a simple template syntax for output per feed, specify what category each feed goes to, have your 30 minute options, and well really.. it's a simple project :) If I had the spare time I'd do it for free but my flight leaves in 12 hours and I'm going to be covering an event all week.
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    Like I said, Zinor, I'm open to other options. I just know I've dealt with this programmer before, and he's covering EVERY base I wanted covered, and he does good work and he always charges a very good rate. He also plans on maintaining, providing bug fixes, support, etc... for the life of the product.

    Since the fund raising is going pretty slowly, I'll probably be exploring other options if the goal isn't met (which it probably won't). I'd love to just get this project developed, and if you want to be that guy, by all means, please do! I just at least wanted to get the ball rolling.
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    Sorry I said I'd donate but funds are extremely tight at the moment and I'm paying for that invite only forum addon to be made.
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    Just bump up, as the price is (hopefully) going to get lowered if I can get fundable to change the goal.
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    edited August 2006
    Put my money in the pot, but I don't think we will reach our goal. Too bad, this would be great. (although my pleadge bumped it to 26-50% instead of 0-25% so maybe there is hope)
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    edited August 2006
    Thanks for your donation pledge, Creede. I have no idea if we'll hit the goal or not, but I'm holding out hope.
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    Also, anybody who donates will happily get a link on, where I plan on using this script. Yeah, I know really exciting ;-)
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    Bump up as the thing expires in a few days.
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    Looks like this didn't work out. Any updates? I would love this option, since I am doing it all manually now.
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    Unfortunately it didn't work out, as we didn't come close to halfway towards the goal. No money was collected. I'll put out a posting on scriptlance at some point down the road to see if I can get it any cheaper (and somebody here is welcome to take it on and I can setup a fundable drive for you -- just email me at jake [at] orty [dot] com). I'd love this option, too, but I certainly can't afford it all myself.
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    Hi... i would be very interested in this extension. Perhaps if we just want the main feature - to post the new rss feed - without all the staff like admin interface and so on, someone of the forum would do it for us ? Greetz
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    That would be great for me. I'll take what I can get. Shouldn't be too hard with magpie, unfortunately I don't have a programing bone in my body.
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    This idea might also help the email to post add-on request.
This discussion has been closed.