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Formatting broken when pasting links

Hello one and all,

I've come across a problem when using the "Quotes" plugin, and after a search through previous questions asked, I wasn't able to find a similar issue, so forgive me if I've overlooked it and posted again.

The issue is that when quoting someone, normally the quotation appears as a grey box with the new comment underneath. However, if a link is pasted, and sometimes if anything is pasted, the formatting is broken - the quote will no longer appear in a grey box, nor will it even indicate who said the quote.

I've attached a screenshot of what I mean. The second comment shows the quote formatting operating normally, and the third comment shows it when it's broken by a pasted link.

Is there any way I can fix this situation so that the formatting remains regardless of what's pasted in?

Thank you very much for your time and help.


  • Quotes is not a perfect plugin it also screws up code or pre quoted stuff so don't feel bad... just copy paste then add the blockquote tag to the stuff... and presto... otherwise it may be perceived as laziness ;)

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    Quotes is not a perfect plugin it also screws up code or pre quoted stuff so don't feel bad... just copy paste then add the blockquote tag to the stuff... and presto... otherwise it may be perceived as laziness ;)

    Thanks for replying, but in all honesty, I'm not sure people will be willing to do that, especially those who are unfamiliar with code and so on.

    Is there nothing that can be done to adjust the plugin so that it works properly when pasting? I notice the quoting on this forum works really well. Does it use the same plugin?

  • If I'm unable to fix this plugin, how could I arrange for my forum to use the same quoting system that's used here?

  • It is on git hub, note this forum uses a different version of vanilla which is not released as stable. So it may or may not work.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 said:
    It is on git hub, note this forum uses a different version of vanilla which is not released as stable. So it may or may not work.

    Thanks, I'll check it out.

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