Articles 1.0.0 application localization

Hi Shadowdare,

I am using multilingual plugin and was wondering if I could have Articles menu switch to other language than English?
Thank you in advance for your help


  • Which text from the Articles menu would you like to change?

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • "Articles" in horizontal main menu
    "Articles Dashboard" button and three sub buttons (Dashboard, Posts, New Articles)
    Since I am running multilingual plugin I need to have two language sets.
    Thank you for your help

  • I have the same problem. It would be nice to have same file for translate to other language.

  • edited May 2015

    The Articles application doesn't use namespaces like how the Yaga application for the localization at the moment (e.g. Yaga.Badge.Add); however, text in the Articles application can still be localized.

    If you have only one language for your website, you can create a /conf/locale.php file using the steps from the official documentation and add these lines to the file, or if you use the Multilingual plugin, you can add these lines to your locale's definition file:

    $Definition['Articles'] = 'Your Translation';
    $Definition['Articles Dashboard'] = 'Your Translation';

    The "Dashboard", "Posts", and "New Article" text from the Compose menu isn't translatable in v1.0.0, but it is in the current development version, which I will release soon. When the next version is released, you can add these lines:

    $Definition['Dashboard'] = 'Your Translation';
    $Definition['Posts'] = 'Your Translation';
    $Definition['New Article'] = 'Your Translation';

    In a future release, I may update the text so that they have namespaces and various language locales can be packaged with the application, similar to how it works with the Yaga application.

    @steam, thank you for trying out the Articles application by the way!

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • Awsome. Thank you.

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