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Only big images are uploaded (FileUpload
Simple question/problem:
I patched my 1.8.4 FileUpload to as suggested. Works like a charm except one problem. I can't upload small images like icons and stuff smaller than let's say 200x200px. It shows up correctly after uploading but it never shows up in the post. If I take a bigger image e.g. 400x400px everything is fine. See video:
Any idea on that?
What's the plugin in this forum called? Wondering why it's integrated in bbcode-bar, seems quite nice.
Additional info: reason seems to be missing width/height in html code.
So the 100x100 image is in fact in the post, but not visible. Reason:
<img src="..." class="ImageThumbnail" width="0" height="0">
And for 200x200(+X)
<img src="..." class="ImageThumbnail" width="128" height="128">
First guess: problem with images smaller than thumbnail size 128x128?!
Patched it in views/fileupload_functions.php, using ImageWidth/ImageHeight instead of ThumbnailWidth/ThumbnailHeight when those values are zero. I don't post it here since it's a quick and dirty hack and not a proper solution. I wasn't able to track down where the bug starts yet.