Changing post 'Item-Header' colour?

Hi there, new to these forums so please forgive me if this is the incorrect place to post this! (Hopefully it's right!)
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knew how to change the colour of the bar above a post/comment (Username, Time Posted etc... specifically for a Staff Member). I've installed the Role Title plugin, and I read a thread about how to make the background of posts different for staff. I'm basically looking for this, but instead of the post background colour being changed, I'd like the header of the post to be changed instead. I've tried fiddling about with it, but I'm calling it defeat! I managed to change the colour myself, but it was changing for all users, not just the Admin group.
At the moment, I have this code and it's changing the colour for everyone, so I'm assuming the 'Role-Admin' part isn't working.
.MessageList .Item-Header,MessageList.Conversation.Role_Admin{ background-color:#2282c1;border-color:transparent }
I am 99% sure I've seen this done before on Vanilla, but I could be wrong. Just hoping it's possible! I feel the entire background being coloured is too overpowering!
Welcome to the community.
If you use a web inspector such as Firebug for Firefox, you should be able to narrow down the element you need to affect.
The changes are affecting to the whole pack of classes. Try removing the information that you don't want to modify... like this:
~~.MessageList .Item-Header,MessageList.Conversation~~
I am no CSS crack, but I would read
.MessageList .Item-Header,MessageList.Conversation.Role_Admin
as.MessageList .Item-Header
=> apply to all items of class .Item-Header that come after an item of class .MessageList`,
=> andMessageList.Conversation.Role_Admin
=> mumblemumblemumbleSo you start with "Do that for all Item-Headers" and end with a wrong selector