Extension idea - Ajax chatroom???

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just another pie-in-the-sky idea from me as per usual, but i've seen a few interesting examples of these recently that look promising... http://cgi.sfu.ca/%7Evwchu/cgi-bin/chatroom.php (v. basic though) http://blog.jalenack.com/index.php?static=ajax (for wordpress!) http://plasticshore.com/projects/chat/index.html (best of the bunch....)


  • lechlech
    edited July 2005
    3 Word: Make it so. :)
  • If I could... I would... so I'll scout around for someone who's up for it instead...
  • And I would if only I had time. But I am happy for everybody to take my 2 cents worth of code and make it happen - not that there is much to build upon. Btw: the word press plug on jalenack.com above was originally created in the same fashion.
  • Somehow this might have something to do with this and not. My friend was coding a MMOG base for his own project which we might translate to flash community plug. He had an idea of whole site where everything was presented in Vanilla fashion and you could see in real-time who was reading the post, and replying to it. Kinda like MMORPG board where the debate was gone with swords instead of words. He is a crazy person, but you can't argue with a guy atleast 140 IQ or something, he is like a rocket scientist making V2 missile or something like that. So I just tought to say that and vanish :D
  • /me jumps into the thread, stabs Kosmo, and darts off.
  • lech jumps into the thread, stabs Kosmo, and darts off.

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