Vanilla PHP Page

Hi, I'm a new user with a vanilla forum installed, I want know how can create a php page with Vanilla? I need get user info for work with a form in php.
Sorry for my bad english.
Hi, I'm a new user with a vanilla forum installed, I want know how can create a php page with Vanilla? I need get user info for work with a form in php.
Sorry for my bad english.
Not sure what you are trying to achieve, but maybe looking at those 2 examples could help:
Thanks I create a page with custom pages plugin, hmm how show a message only for guests? I have this:
<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit(); ?> <?php /*---------------- show only for users ----------------------- */ if(Gdn::Session()->UserID < 1) throw NotFoundException(); /*--------------------------- ------------------------- */ $Session = Gdn::Session(); echo '<pre>'; print_r($Session); echo '</pre>'; ?> <h1>Form</h1>
I dont want show:
Page not found.
Seems like you plan to create the form with the html knowledge you have. You should try using Vanillas form builder.