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Registration form in home page

Am really new to vanilla and I've just install Version 2.1.10 which I have been able to customize to an extent, but am finding very difficult to do this one.
What I wanted to do is to display a registration form for guests in the homepage.
I have succeeded in doing this by editing the /themes/[themeName]/views/guest.php file like this:
<?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit(); ?> <?php $this->FireEvent('BeforeSignInButton'); ?> <div class=""> <h1><?php echo T("Apply for Membership") ?></h1> <div class=""> <?php $TermsOfServiceUrl = Gdn::Config('Garden.TermsOfService', '#'); $TermsOfServiceText = sprintf(T('I agree to the <a id="TermsOfService" class="Popup" target="terms" href="%s">terms of service</a>'), Url($TermsOfServiceUrl)); $Target = Gdn::Request()->PathAndQuery(); if ($Target != '') $Target = '?Target='.urlencode($Target); $Controller = Gdn::Controller(); // Make sure to force this form to post to the correct place in case the view is // rendered within another view (ie. /dashboard/entry/index/): echo $Controller->Form->Open(array('Action' => Url('/entry/register'.$Target), 'id' => 'Form_User_Register')); echo $Controller->Form->Errors(); ?> <ul> <?php if (!$Controller->Data('NoEmail')): ?> <li><div class="hm_sgn"> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Label('Email', 'Email'); echo $Controller->Form->TextBox('Email', array('type' => 'email', 'Wrap' => TRUE, 'Placeholder' => '')); echo '<span id="EmailUnavailable" class="Incorrect" style="display: none;">'.T('Email Unavailable').'</span>'; ?> </div></li> <?php endif; ?> <li><div class="hm_sgn"> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Label('Username', 'Name'); echo $Controller->Form->TextBox('Name', array('Wrap' => TRUE, 'autocorrect' => 'off', 'autocapitalize' => 'off', 'Placeholder' => 'Username')); echo '<span id="NameUnavailable" class="Incorrect" style="display: none;">'.T('Name Unavailable').'</span>'; ?> </div></li> <?php $Controller->FireEvent('RegisterBeforePassword'); ?> <li><div class="hm_sgn"> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Label('Password', 'Password'); echo Wrap(sprintf(T('Your password must be at least %d characters long.'), C('Garden.Registration.MinPasswordLength')), 'div', array('class' => 'Gloss')); echo $Controller->Form->Input('Password', 'password', array('Wrap' => TRUE, 'Strength' => TRUE, 'Placeholder' => '●●●●●●●')); ?> </div></li> <li><div class="hm_sgn"> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Label('Confirm Password', 'PasswordMatch'); echo $Controller->Form->Input('PasswordMatch', 'password', array('Wrap' => TRUE, 'Placeholder' => '●●●●●●●')); echo '<span id="PasswordsDontMatch" class="Incorrect" style="display: none;">'.T("Passwords don't match").'</span>'; ?> </div></li> <li class="Gender"><div class="hm_sgn"> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Label('Gender', 'Gender'); var_dump($Controller->Form->RadioList('Gender', $Controller->GenderOptions, array('default' => 'u'))); echo $Controller->Form->RadioList('Gender', $Controller->GenderOptions, array('default' => 'u')); ?> </div></li> <?php if ($Controller->Form->GetValue('DiscoveryText') || GetValue('DiscoveryText', $Controller->Form->ValidationResults()) ): ?> <li><div class="hm_sgn"> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Label('Why do you want to join?', 'DiscoveryText'); echo $Controller->Form->TextBox('DiscoveryText', array('MultiLine' => TRUE, 'Wrap' => TRUE, 'Placeholder' => 'Your Reason ...')); ?> </div></li> <?php endif; ?> <?php $Controller->FireEvent('RegisterFormBeforeTerms'); ?> <li> <?php echo $Controller->Form->CheckBox('TermsOfService', '@'.$TermsOfServiceText, array('value' => '1')); echo $Controller->Form->CheckBox('RememberMe', T('Remember me on this computer'), array('value' => '1')); ?> </li> <li class="Buttons"> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Button('Sign Up', array('class' => 'Button Primary')); ?> </li> </ul> <?php echo $Controller->Form->Close(); ?> </div> </div> <?php $this->FireEvent('AfterSignInButton'); ?>
This displays the registration form for me on the homepage. but my challenge here is the Gender RadioList on line 56 and the DiscoveryText are not displaying but they are displaying fine in my normal registration page.
Please any help will be appreciated.
Why not make it a popup ? The original registration page...
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@vrijvlinder thanks for your reply. but I don't want to make it a popup. I could even load it with ajax, but I don't want to do it that way either.
Then makes sure all the files necessary are being called. Like the js . Those only get loaded on the registration controller so you need to call them if you want them to be loaded on the discussions controller or categories controller which ever you made a home page.
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Ok. How do I call registration controller on discussion controller? @vrijvlinder
No you can't call a controller onto another, a controller is a page ... I am talking about the files the controllers/pages call such as the css and javascript or jquery whatever , even modules...
I would create a module containing the registration form and then render it where you wanted without cloning anything...
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Pls I am going to need a detailed explanation on how you would create the module. I looked at docs but dont seem to find anything useful for this
Ok, look at my plugin Widgets to see how I made modules .. you can use that to add your own content.
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I would really appreciate if u would just show me hw to do it. Am pretty new to vanilla. I've already tried making modules but I didn't have much luck and I need get this done as soon as possible.
By studying the plugin you can do it yourself , it is quite self explanatory and simple...
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Ok, If i succeed in creating the module which folder am I supposed to put it?
when you said I could create a module containing the registration form, is there a function that I will call to get the registration form or did you mean I should hard code the registration form html? if so, what about the generated values like "TransientKey"
No need use an iframe to render the form page ... just use the registration page url for the iframe and write some css to hide the parts you don't need like the menu ...
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Please! Please! Please!
You could redirect to the registration form if a guest.
grep is your friend.
If you look at class.entrycontroller.php, you find that:
Since you are only using the view and it is not called by the entrycontroller, that variable has never been set. That's why you have to do
I'm not sure why the discovery text is not shown, but I guess you can simply omit the surrounding if (lines 59 and 66) so that it will always be shown.
Thanks @R_J that solved it.