Vanilla Freelancer required

jekekeljekekel New
edited June 2015 in General Banter

We are looking to go live with vanilla forums over the next few weeks and we are looking for a freelance resource that has experience setting up and customizing a vanilla forum. Please email me


  • @jekekel

    Welcome to the community.

    I changed your title slightly, to make the topic clearer.

    You might find that you get more of a response if you give an outline of what work you would like done, and an idea of budget.

    There are a lot of good developers on here, but they are professionals, and expect to be paid as such.

  • Thanks @whu606 , To elaborate... We are looking for a freelance developer who has VF experience. Being new to VF, we want to make sure our designs are set up properly, the best practices are adhered to specifically as they relate to integrating into our site. Alot of the work is not necessarily dev related and might be more project management and taking our forum live. As far as $ is concerned, we would like to structure the comp. on an hourly basis. Looking to get feedback from the freelancers as to their hourly rates. The comp will be commensurate to experience and quality. Not looking to be cheap.

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