Looking to Hire Vanilla Freelancer / Dev
Before I post this on upWork, I figured I'd go straight to the source.
I'm looking to hire someone to work on my self-hosted Vanllia Forum site.
- it's embedded in WP and uses SSO
- when members signup, a WP account is created for them automatically, then they login to the Forum using SSO which creates their account in Vanilla
Work Needed:
- bug fix/troubleshoot current issue that some users are having with their accounts: some users can login to WP but can't login to Vanilla
- update theme to work better on mobile devices
- possibly create new mobile theme
- new custom features
I'm looking for someone interested in working hourly who can provide a range of time (i.e. 2-3 hours) as to how long each task may take.
If you're interested please PM me.