[Request] phpFreeChat Integration

I have been trying to find a decent chat room to use on my forum, and recently stumbled upon phpFreeChat. It very much suits my interests and I enjoy very much. However, there is a problem: I have absolutely no idea how to integrate it to work with Vanilla Forum user accounts. I assume it would be done through a plugin. Assuming this is true, I would love it if someone were to develop a plugin to integrate phpFreeChat into Vanilla Forums. I should note now that I can not pay for these services. Also, if you could point me in the direction of other (free) chat software that I could look into using, I would greatly appreciate it.
Try the VChat plugin and use the code supplied by your chat instead of the one I used.
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Just to make absolutely sure before I try this, but this will allow users to use their forum accounts instead of signing up for a separate account on a separate service, correct?
Try it , it will not break your forum and you will see what it can do... People do not need to log in they can use it as guests or with facebook or twitter
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But I would prefer people to be forced to use the same accounts as their forum account so if any rules are broken it will be easier to take action. I found a Vanilla plugin that may suit my needs, so I'll try it and report back here.
You can, the owner of the chat can ban people. You should look into Rumble chat
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Anyway, thanks for the help. If I can't get phpFreeChat to work, I'm gonna use the Van2Shout plugin.
That is the best option.
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I also tried Van2Shout but I could not setup firebase
Is it required?
I made it work with firebase