Piwik: how can I edit settings if iframe fails to load ?

I have installed the script and something went wrong. I'm not sure where or how or how to fix it.
The problem:
The Piwik script tries to open: http//www.xxxxxxxx
There are no " : " after http and I tried to change that from mysql but I can't find where and what I did didn't solve the problem.
What I tried and did not work:
Deleting the piwik plugin and uploading. Of course settings did not get deleted so it didn't work.
Any suggestions on how to solve this please ?
all you need to do in the setting is add //yourvanillaforum.com in the form no "http/https" needed and it should work. Nothing in the mysql needs to be touched.
Thank you Adrian for your prompt answer. However I was unable to reach the stage where // would be inserted.
How I did fix it was: edited conf/config.php and I managed to edit it there.
All good now. Thank you.