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Changes in Personal Information change Forum Preferences as well

edited 2006 25 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Sorry for the long title, but I don't know how to say it in a shorter way.
Just changed my Personal Information in the Account here, and the Forum Preferences are set to default. I tested it with my admin account at my forum, and it doesn't happen there. All Preferences are stored correctly.


  • So changing your Personal Information resets your Forum Preferences to default?
  • same for me
  • Is it the same issue as these?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes, this is a known issue. I just haven't had time to look into it yet. It will likely be fixed in the next minor upgrade. Keep using that update checker and you'll get notified when it's out :)
  • TexTex
    edited 2006 25
    Okay. Thanks. Sorry for pushing but I didn't find this issue through searching.
This discussion has been closed.