{profile_link} to lead to Notifications instead of Activity Wall

phreakphreak MVP
edited August 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all,

I use {profile_link} to display a shortlink to the profile for a mobile theme. It's convenient because it also shows the number of unread Notifications. The link leads directly to the Activity Wall Profile Page by default.

Is there a way to make the link point to the Notifications page? Something like {profile_link_notification} or similar. :awesome:

I've already brought this one up here. But it didn't work for me and threw me a Smarty Template Error. I wonder if it is easy just to link the link to another destination and where in Vanilla i can find this code.

Have also been looking through this but i can't make any solution out of it, how to implement own smarty tags in Vanilla.

Thanx fo help,

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