Hey is the theme this actual website uses available as it is the best theme ever?
I guess that's the most asked question...http://vanillaforums.org/search?adv=&search=vanillaforums.org+theme&title=&author=&cat=all&tags=&discussion_d=1&discussion_question=1&comment_c=1&comment_answer=1&page_p=1&within=1+day&date=
Here are two good answers:http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/227242/#Comment_227242http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/214311/#Comment_214311
Thanks for your reply. I did try searching with google first but google is useless nowadays. I guess what I could try to do is adapt a theme like a bootstrap one to my liking instead
I guess the bootstrap theme is a good start, but there is also a commented theme from whu606 which might be a good start,
You are free to use this site's theme (https://github.com/vanilla/community/tree/master/themes/vforg) which is open source (GPLv2) with the exception of the "design". What they mean by design is clear from this statement:
In other words, use the code how you want, but don't produce clone sites with it.
So "design" only refers to images and e.g. the color key used by the CSS files, not the CSS, JS, Smarty or PHP code itself.
Just create your own images and modify e.g. the colors defined by the style sheet and you are free to go.
I guess that's the most asked question...
Here are two good answers:
Thanks for your reply. I did try searching with google first but google is useless nowadays.
I guess what I could try to do is adapt a theme like a bootstrap one to my liking instead
I guess the bootstrap theme is a good start, but there is also a commented theme from whu606 which might be a good start,
You are free to use this site's theme (https://github.com/vanilla/community/tree/master/themes/vforg) which is open source (GPLv2) with the exception of the "design". What they mean by design is clear from this statement:
So "design" only refers to images and e.g. the color key used by the CSS files, not the CSS, JS, Smarty or PHP code itself.
Just create your own images and modify e.g. the colors defined by the style sheet and you are free to go.