Google Picasa Web Albums

edited June 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Have yall checked this out? I love google services and this one could overtake Flickr if they can beat them on storage limits. Anybody volunteering for creating the extension?


  • Pretty cool. Looks like you get 250mb storage. Picasa has a 'purchase more storage' button but it takes you to the Google settings page which doesn't mention anything about more storage. It seems that you are only able to get the photos in sizes 72 pixels wide and 144 pixels wide. 72 seems too small, and 144 seems too big :( I'm sure it will be easy enough to knock up an extension
  • hmm, actually it seems that the RSS feed is either for your albums or for a specific album. There is no 'most recent' photos RSS feed :( I suppose a 'Your Picasa Albums' extension would still be of interest. I'm trying to get this working using my Audioscrobblerizer extension as basis, but I'm not sure how to go around handling the <media:description type="html"> tags in the RSS Alex
  • *bump*

     Quote: trafik ...Anybody volunteering for creating the extension?

    have we created this extension or is there something better for photos / film / audio ?
  • nobody made an integration yet? o_0 :) we reallly need it, dudes! :)))
  • yeah me too
  • Is this the thread to bump? What I was actually looking for is a way to connect my Picasa 3 software/albums to upload to and play friendly with my install of FileBrowser that I'm running on my personal web space.
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