All Comments Show as "Unknown"

I am currently running version 2.1.11 at I migrated content over from a PHP BB 2.3 install.
I didn't notice this until I started working on a custom theme but, it was probably there to begin with. Every discussion's comments are listing the user name as Unknown, even though clearly real users had made the comments.
I did set the Admin Super User ID appropriately in my config.php file, as I had seen another post on the support forums regarding that. However, no dice.
I also found that the overall import of data went wonky, creating an individual role for each previous PHPBB user. I had to manually correct that via SQL and have been manually assigning the default forum role to all of the users.
I will re-do the import if I need to and start over if that was the wrong way to approach things. I'm using this as a temporary hosting ground so that the forum will be ready for prime time and will then be moved to its proper web host.
Thanks for any help you can provide. I switched back from the custom theme to the base-install theme.
In the Comment Table and the Discussion Table there is an InsertUserID assigned to each comment or opening post (Discussion).
the InsertUserID is the Author of the post.
The UserID in the User Table is looked at to determine the name of the Author.
If there is an InsertUserID in a Comment or Discussion that does NOT have a matching UserID in the User Table you will see Unknown. (or if the username is actually called "Unknown").
As to why the comments and discussions don't mesh with users during port I can't tell you.
You might try over and see if you get different results for User names displaying in comments and discussions.
If you still have problem after "re-porting" ....
you might like and see if User Table is populated with user and names. and what the ID range is (first and last). Then compare it with the InserUserID range is in Discussions and/or Comments Table. It may give you insights.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.