How to hide, in "Edit Preferences", the categories user's have no access to

rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭
edited August 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

When users go to edit their profile they can click on "Edit Preferences" on the left to set their notification preferences.
Then under "Category Notifications" the list of categories displayed includes categories they have no access rights (these categories have specific role-based access).

While I consider this somewhat of a bug (any advise how to report bugs?) the immediate question is how to remove from the list the categories the user does not have access rights to.

Best Answers

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2015 Answer ✓

    While I consider this somewhat of a bug (any advise how to report bugs?)

    ok. will go through it just one more time

    here are some basic thoughts

    1) check github to see if issue or pull request exists or has been mentioned on forum. All depends on your sleuthing skills if you can find one that exists that matches the one you experience.

    if no match found....

    2) file perceived bugs on github
    - this requires an account and then click on issues. (this partially satisfies the people including the product manager and the vanilla staff of an issue).
    - an issue that is not considered a "security" flaw has little chance of being backported.
    - better yet if you have a code fix, file a pull request.

    3) mention on the forum as well (you may get some thoughts how to work around issue. Generally the forum is directed more to the community, while githu is more directed to the developers.

    4) if possible mention the discussion link in the github issue description.

    5) mention the github link in the discussion.

    the immediate question is how to remove from the list the categories

    you may not get an immediate answer, but you can research yourself in a flash...

    fwiw - IIRC this is not an issue in vanilla 2.2 (someone else can confirm)


    as far as 2.1 you can use eventi plugin to determine the event to trigger on and see what you can do to remove preferences or override view if you have to.


    or totally override notificationpreferences.php

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.


  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2015 Answer ✓

    While I consider this somewhat of a bug (any advise how to report bugs?)

    ok. will go through it just one more time

    here are some basic thoughts

    1) check github to see if issue or pull request exists or has been mentioned on forum. All depends on your sleuthing skills if you can find one that exists that matches the one you experience.

    if no match found....

    2) file perceived bugs on github
    - this requires an account and then click on issues. (this partially satisfies the people including the product manager and the vanilla staff of an issue).
    - an issue that is not considered a "security" flaw has little chance of being backported.
    - better yet if you have a code fix, file a pull request.

    3) mention on the forum as well (you may get some thoughts how to work around issue. Generally the forum is directed more to the community, while githu is more directed to the developers.

    4) if possible mention the discussion link in the github issue description.

    5) mention the github link in the discussion.

    the immediate question is how to remove from the list the categories

    you may not get an immediate answer, but you can research yourself in a flash...

    fwiw - IIRC this is not an issue in vanilla 2.2 (someone else can confirm)


    as far as 2.1 you can use eventi plugin to determine the event to trigger on and see what you can do to remove preferences or override view if you have to.


    or totally override notificationpreferences.php

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭
    edited August 2015

    Thanks for the very detailed response. If this is addressed in another release then I won't file a bug report.
    I will check Eventi again. Last I tried that it overwhelmed my screen.

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