Embedding Vanilla in another site (how? Iframe forbidden).

I have a bootstrap based site with own header and menu (and own CMS). Below this site's header I would like to embed my vanilla forum. What is the best way to do this?
I tried an iframe (probably not optimal either) and that doesn't work. Console says: about:blank:1 Refused to display 'http://mydomainname.com/vanillaforum' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
How can I load my Vanilla forum inside my site?
Thanks in advance!
whatever site you are trying to ebbed into is setting this header
You need to set the header to
However due to browser support it better to remove the header entirely.
grep is your friend.
Thank you. I did set in on allow in the .htaccess file! Now I can embed it and it works pretty wel!
@AdvaK great. post you work so others can see.
grep is your friend.