Display 'x' characters of text beneath discussion title?



  • Any further developments yet?
  • Would be nice if he could contribute that News extension to the community. Also, I didn't test, but if he's managed to get Gallery 2 and Vanilla integrated (ie once single logon for both systems) I'd be extremely interested in how he did it, as I'm sure others would also.
  • I have made an extension to put x characters after the Discussion title. It does work but the final format is not correct. Maybe this will do in the interim until a better one is built.
  • I'm willing to test for you if you want.
  • Oh please share!
  • Yes, please give us the chance to test it. That would be great.
  • I just uploaded it here.

    It is beta, so please test it. Also, any css guru who can help, the except needs to be moved up closer to the discussion title.

    To change the number of characters, edit the default.php file and change the default of 300 to whatever you need.

    Thank you, jimw
  • I've not downloaded it yet, but I've thought of a killer feature. The option to have it excerpt either the first post, or the most recent post :D
  • @jimw --- very cool; I have been hoping for this for months. Now, if only HTTP authentication worked for RSS ... I am still on the edge of moving away from Vanilla to my dismay; spending too much time trying to improvise something workable. Anyway, not sure what you mean by needing to move excerpt closer to discussion title? Mine displays appropriately. I'll upload an image if I get time later. I could do without the bright red excerpt color myself; changing the CSS to black was easy.

    @-Stash- yes, it would be very nice to show both the first AND the last optionally.

    While it would be great to have a slick, user-configurable extension for this feature, I am happy - thanks!
  • Concerning "moving the excerpt closer to the discussion title", I found that the excerpt display varied from style to style. It would only require a css change (if I were smarter) to get it correct.

    I will look into getting the first and last comment.
  • Ah - I was just using the default. For reference, I tested without any other extensions installed on a clean forum.
  • @ jimw:

    Thank you so much! That solves my problem and now I can use Vanilla as a news system. Great, great, great!
    Concerning the space to the title on the picture you show at the extension page I guess it has to do with the icons?
  • I'm a novice css person, but will continue to look for the ultimate solution. In the meantime, whoever uses this will have to adjust the css themselves to make it fit or they can contact me and tell me what style they are having trouble with.

    Also, the way I am getting the first comment in the discussion may not be the best way. I would appreciate it if the vanilla mentors would look at what I've done and advise. I think I also need to use the AddWhere with the sqlbuilder to be able to access the last comment made. Any help in this would be appreciated.
  • Actually the positioning via CSS doesn't has an influence at all with the standard template. I just added a
    to the code to get a margin, which works fine.
  • Freaking awesome! I will play with it and let you know of any bugs I come across. Now I can complete my theme, muwahahaha.
  • @Krak (or anyone) ... while you're at it, could you explain step-wise how to achieve the effect of The Beautiful Lie?
  • http://lussumo.com/community/discussion/658/1/site-list-of-vanilla-users/#Item_50 ?
  • Was I sleeping? Probably. I can't remember why I didn't give that a go after clamoring for it ... or did I and find problems? Hmm.
  • Did this die? I'm looking for something like this for Vanilla2. I'd like to provide an excerpt for "Announcements" or a couple of discussions.
  • I will have a look at this
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