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[2.1.11] Stats plugin bugging out after migrating forum

jamesincjamesinc ✭✭
edited September 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all,

I've recently migrated my forum to a new host, and now my Vanilla Stats plugin is going haywire. It is denying the API credentials. It also keeps deleting them from the config.php file! I re-add them to the file, and it deletes them again.

I also try the "Re-register API key" button and it also fails with "problem with credentials". I can't work out why it's doing this. Has anyone else seen this before?

Edit: it removes the credentials from config only if I visit the Statistics settings page (which shows blank credentials in the input boxes also).


  • Make sure you install php5-curl...this fixed it for me when I moved my forum to a new server.

  • @shumoo it wasn't that, but I did end up fixing it.

    I am struggling to remember what I did now (classic Internet troll), but I think what I did was, once I had migrated the site, I re-ran the vanilla installer script, and then edited the config.php with the API credentials from the old server, and it then worked.

    So maybe a note is, if moving Vanilla from one server to another, run the installer.

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